Event Schedule
Please see below for the schedule of events for SnowFROC 2024. This schedule will be updated as required to depict the most accurate information on presentations, room locations and general event scheduling information. It's meant to be concise and easy to consume.
Details on the presentations and speakers are here.
The schedule (picture format) can be viewed HERE
Or, as a PDF below.....
There are multiple scheduled presentations on a wide range of cyber security topics which will be hosted in three different rooms (The Malone Theater, The Bresnan Boardroom, and the Great Hall). Most talks are scheduled for 50 minutes however some are 25 minutes in length. Each presenter has been given instructions to make their presentation available, with the idea that their presentation will be shared on this website after the event. Please come prepared to listen, learn and ask questions; have fun!
There are multiple scheduled workshops on a variety of cyber security topics as well, taught by industry extperts. These will be held in the Saeman Excutive Briefing Room and the Delaplaine Newsroom. If you would like to attend a workshop, you will need to register for each one individually.
SnowFROC 20 Presentations
A request was made for all SnowFROC 20 Presenters to share their presentation. See below for those presentations and note that some PDFs are large in size.
As Bs And Four Cs Of Testing Cloud Native Applications